This installer will autodetect the windows version, so there is no need for you to determine what version of Windows you are running, or whether it's 64 bit or 32 bit ...
Step 1 - Download this archive (zip) file and save it to your desktop. Step 2 - Double click the zip file and extract it to a temporary folder on your desktop. Step 3 - Go into that folder and RIGHT click on the Setup.exe application, and
choose 'Run as Administrator', even if you are an administrator.
This install will take you through several different screens ...
NEW screen shots will be here as soon as possible, it's a lot of work to put the documentation together, and I just recently updated this driver, contact me for help if you need it. Thank you for your patience. In the meantime, the older and original instructions (for KM-5050) are here, the content is still relevant (the job accounting part, and printer name, and such) ...
* The Taskalfa 4501i arrived October 6, 2015, to replace the ailing KM 5050 ...